Authenticity and Quality Identification
Burn Test:
- Genuine fur: When burned, it smells similar to the burning of hair and does not form lumps; it can be crushed into powder with fingers.
- Fake fur: When burned, it emits a pungent odor and forms small black lumps after burning.
Visual Inspection:
- Genuine fur: The skin board has unevenly distributed fine pores.
- Fake fur: The bottom is a woven grid.
Olfactory Inspection:
- Genuine fur: Has a slight smell of fur.
- Fake fur: Has a pungent plastic smell.
Quality Discrimination
Material Quality:
- High-quality fur: The fur is dense and smooth, and the skin board is tight, thick, and has a meaty feel.
- Low-quality fur: The fur is sparse, and the skin board is loose.
Fur Color:
- High-quality fur: The color is uniform, without obvious scars, and no discoloration.
- Low-quality fur: The color is uneven, with scars, and discoloration.
Fur Care
Storage Indoors
- Store in a cool, ventilated place, avoiding the use of plastic covers.
- Hang on a specially designed hanger with a wide shoulder and cover with a garment bag.
- Keep at least 6 centimeters of space between furs for them to breathe.
- If wet from rain, air dry in a cool, dry place or have it professionally treated.
- Avoid contaminating fur with other chemical products.
- In summer, be especially careful to protect from high temperatures, humidity, and insect damage.
Outdoor Protection
- Keep away from heat sources when wearing fur.
- Never place fur in direct sunlight or near hot water pipes or steam pipes.
- If sitting for a long time, take off the fur to avoid crushing it.
- Be mindful of items you carry that could damage fur, especially bags with metal chains that can wear down the fur.
A. For dust on the garment, gently tap to remove the dust. B. For stains, promptly take to a professional dry cleaner. Do not wash in water or machine wash, as this can cause fur to shed, damage the quality of the fur and skin board, and is irreversible.